Academic Projects


Academic ︎ 6 weeks


Career Guidance Platform - Product Design

An acadamic project at NID which aims to create a Career Guidance Platform for students to discover career possibilities and encourage exploration.

Case Study - UX Research ︎  

Case Study - UI Design ︎

Academic ︎ 8 weeks

Tower of Consumerism

Systems Design

An acadamic systems design project exploring the intricate relationship between consumerism, environmental sustainability, and social inequality to propose innovative solutions.

Website ︎︎︎

Academic ︎ 4 weeks

Vitthal & Varkari

Cultural Documentation

Open Project ︎

Prototype ︎︎︎

Work for NID:

Academic ︎ 2 weeks

NID Student Portfolio

UI/UX Redesign

WIP Site ︎︎︎

Academic ︎ 2 weeks

NID 42nd Convo. Site

Web Design & Development

Live Site ︎︎︎

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Mohnish Landge